Sunday 10 May 2015

How Am I feeling? Pt 2. It's all coming up Millhouse!

Things feel a lot better so far since the last How am I feeling post, I don't have those bad feelings I had last time, so its time for a happy, positive kitten! This quote is something I have taken to heart. I feel like I should be doing more of these .... but surprisingly I don't feel like I need to make loads of these .... Everything just feels the same to me (I am rather happy to just chug along with no emotional changes whatsoever!) but it just feels more natural and less dramatic than the art tests, it feels like how I felt for BA4, and I was very happy with what I produced then. I am very happy with what I've been producing!

Happy kitty is happy!

here are my bullet points of stuff

  • I am feeling more confident the more I model, everything has come back to me, finding solutions to problems doesn't bother me so much now ... I am SO SO SOOOO far from understanding Maya but it doesn't feel like so much of a chore. I've had a lot of problems with the model but I have overcome them with a simple technique I learnt from George. If it's taking too long to change the problem, just start over. This has worked very well for me.
  • I am just happy with the subject I have chosen.
  • I am just happy!
And some negative ...

  • I have forgotten EVERYTHING I know about using Unity, I was hoping to get my level into the engine and have a flyover but I can't remember anything and I'm too scared to ask for help because I feel like I won't be taken seriously, or that I should know everything by now .... which is a little foolish cause that's what I'm at Uni to do ...
  • I say this every-time but I find it hard to let go of old habits (sure I've said that too!) Moving out is taking so much of my time, having never moved before I am finding this transition very hard going, and its been sapping all of my energy and willpower. It's even worse knowing my hand in falls on the exact day of this project handing in, so its all a rush doing two things. Life is just a cruel mistress.
Just a little whine from me today .... over and out!

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