Monday 11 May 2015

Vocals during the game that would run alongside.

From my research I decided that the level needs a bit of something along side it. I have taken elements of different serial killers childhood to adult stories and mashed them together. The main ones I have used for inspiration are Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Speck, Ted Bundy and Edmund Kemper all of whom had mother issues, had trouble fitting in at school and who (apart from Jeffrey) went on to kill women.

STARTING OUT, players will not be aware they are playing a game about a serial killer. They will just think they are following the journey of a child growing up. This write up is what would be heard as the player goes through the game, the game will follow through like a story being told from the perspective of the serial killer looking back on their life. Doors would open to the next room when the voice over finishes.
This would be the voice over.

This is the story of how I began, before the rumours … before the bloodshed. It all began with a baby. This baby should have been loved and cuddled, but it was left alone, night after night.

Mummy and daddy were so wrapped up in their own lives, they didn't have much time for me, I tried to get their attention but nothing worked … I threw my toys and cried but they ignored me, all I wanted was some love.

Daddy just sat on the sofa all day ... he was always with a bottle in his hand, mother would whine and complain, threaten him but he would just keep drinking in front of that television, even when I cried he would sit and drink and watch ... I never saw him leave the room.

It was all going so well until the fighting started. I don’t know what they fought about but they went at it like cats and dogs, I couldn't stand it, life around me was a constant stream of fighting. I guess mother just couldn't take it any-more so she beat him black and blue, father left after that, I always hated her after that. I just wanted my daddy.

I never had time for the kids in class, and I guess they didn't have time for me ... The teacher just let me get on with whatever I was doing. apparently I was a bad, stupid kid. They all had friends, they all gossiped to each other ... they called me weird. They mocked my family, asked where my dad was and why my mum beat him up, it was the gossip of the whole town! I would just stare at the wall and be alone with my thoughts .... and my thoughts were there for me.

Who would have thought I would have enjoyed bottling animals up .... they are truly fascinating, inside AND out. Everyone at school talked about me, they see me collecting animals from the roadside. Sometimes if I hated a person enough, I would take their pet and add it to the collection. I amassed quite a collection though, I wonder where they are now?

I outgrew that little collection, I moved on up in the world .... you would say the crime world I guess. Women were scary, but so, so alluring! I never saw much of my mother after she left, I wanting something to fill that void she left ... I could easily spend all day and night just watching these fearsome creatures .... they hold so much over me .... they just don't realise it ... this one looked just like mother from what I can remember, same hair ... same body ... and so foolish, she can't even see me, I could do anything, she's so vulnerable ...

I guess I picked up nasty habits from father, drinking dulled the pain, dulled the voices in my head for just a few hours. Everything I had went on the devils juice. I spent night after night in this place, mingling with the lowest of the low, yet I was lower than they were.

I didn't even know who I was anymore, I had no identity, no family or friends, just me and my thoughts sinking deeper into darkness, Even when I look into the mirror I don't see anyone staring back at me, I lost who I was and I have no reflection looking back at me, I just see a man ... a man who is a waste of space. It's all her fault I am like this!

I spent all my life in an eternal maze, weaving in and out with no ending in sight. Not only mentally but physically too. There was a maze near the bar I frequented where I left a calling card for future drunks to find. A skull of a dog I stole from a girl I spied on once, he barked and I got arrested. He will stay there forever now. A memento from the past.

I had gone too far, all I heard was kill, all I saw was darkness .... if she had just loved me I wouldn't have gone this way .... if she had loved father he'd have been with me too ... I had to kill her .... or those who looked like her, what else was left but to rob someone else of something I had never had. Life. I found her .... she was there .... all it took was for me to reach her and be free or that torment. Free!


I found it rather hard to write that up, to get into that mindset of someone with that kind of mindset which is so different to mine. Having always been around my parents as a whole and having that childhood with everyone around me I found it hard to think like someone who had been neglected and lost both the parents as they grew. I think having this alongside the level if it was to be something more would add a little more realism and maybe even strike a bit more emotion than just the level on its own.

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