Monday 16 February 2015

Onwards with the UVing and Texturing.

After a brief scare *with many tears and wailing* where I thought I'd lost all the work I'd done I began the work of UVing my model. Where before in BA3 when I was so confused by UVing and dreaded that part of this project I actually found it quite easy and I can see I've learnt a lot from the last encounter

Last time I created UV's I had every single part of the model in single UV's not making the most of the space, and ended up with over 60 texture .... Yeah .... needless to say that was very bad. This is another small victory for me thanks to the help from our tutor and classmates who gave me advice.

Starting with the basic colour palette trying to discover the closest to the image given by Radiant Worlds.

And this is the end result.

To me it looks a bit tiger-like but I'm very pleased with the outcome, my first attempt at proper UVing and handpainted textures was better than I expected! Could probably tone down the light wood colour so it fits in a little better.

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