Tuesday 17 February 2015

A day of learning.

Today I took my models and textures to have a chat with my tutor George for some assistance with my progress, for the past few days I've been wondering where my place is on the course, I feel that a lot of people around me have found their place whether its 2D or 3D and I'm still kind of floating about in the middle which is not really where I want to be halfway through Year 2.

If anything these art tests have shown me that 2D environments are not my thing, I still like the idea of designing characters, but the thing I've always been keen to learn is 3D. Last night the idea of learning all this information was daunting ..... and somewhat scary, but there comes a time in everyone's life (and I agree with my tutor here) where they have to suck it up and get on with it .... and today is a day I suck up a lot. I am way behind where I should be as far as everyone else who knows 3D so today I am just going to chill out and practise what I need to do for the future so that when the time comes I won't need to feel daunted.

Feedback for my UV layout was good, which was something I wanted to get right, advice given for that was to play around a little more to maximise space, I found this was one of the things that built my confidence up, where as like a week ago I pretty much had no idea how to combine everything and get them on one page.

After running through what I have to do I'm aware I've done things in the wrong order, I've made my texture before doing my mapping (Normal. Ambient Occlusion and Gloss) which means I won't be able to change my model without affecting the UV's I've created, lesson learned!

I've been making several notes in my notepad about the process, I'm going to attempt to remake my model now I've learned how to combine the mesh properly using edit mesh > merge tool. Let's see how we get on!

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