Tuesday 17 February 2015

Attempting the model again.

In order to do my maps correct and everything in the right order I tried to make the model again, I really am speeding along with the creation of it, however I hit a snag again. Everything was going great, merged everything perfectly so I didn't have overlapping edges when I combined them.

When I started making my HiPoly model I noticed that some of my faces were missing. Tried sorting out the normals, nothing, tried append to polygon .... nothing again. I undid all of the history to see if I'd deleted anything but nope .... they had just vanished. I went to see if the face was still there, it is .... but I can't seem to get it to show.

I was a bit stumped so I just deleted the missing face and filled the hole. It worked!

Back to the grind stone!

((EDIT)) Look familiar, finished making another Hi/Low poly combo, this time its only took me around 10 hours to complete this ... definitely getting quicker at this!

Looking lovely!

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