Wednesday 18 February 2015

Beginning to bake.

Today is the last day I am working on my model, hand in looms on the 20th, the model is just about ready to bake, just got to get everything ready .... my UV is unwrapped and in order

I am suprised at how quickly I've picked up UV layouts, I think I could spend a little more time on the layout to maximise space but times a ticking, you could probably spend hours doing these! My high pol model is smoothed and maxing those awesome hard core edges!

And here are the two models together, snapped to the centre inside each other, with history deleted and freeze transformation done.

Generated my normal and Occlusion maps.

They don't seem to look correct, this is the first attempt at baking ever so I feel a little confused ... I put them on the model to see what it looks like and this is the answer.

Oh dear! I've tried googling this problem and haven't really found a solution, with time ticking I think I will just have to leave it here, and have this as something I really need to focus on in the future. I will cover this in a post about how I feel I've progressed in this project. I think I will just do the colour textures for this so at least it can be shown how it would look on a very basic level like I did with my other model.


I turned to a classmate Owen for advice and he very kindly put me towards a solution, I tried turning up my anti aliasing to x4 instead of x2 and set my size to 2084 instead of 1024.

Looks like its done the trick! There is a lot more showing up, nothing is pixel/cubey! Here are the textures for my model

I really don't know what else I can do/want to do .... I am worried that I'll mess up what I do have so I think this is the point I will stop ..... look back on what I've done and what I have learned from the future.

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