Friday 13 February 2015

HiPol model finised!

I've never been so happy to finally finish something like this .... Well the model at least .... I know I have a lot more to do but the fact that I've finally done it is a miracle ..... after going through 5 versions of the model I am so happy it looks actually rather good.

This is the mid-way point

And here is the mid-way point and the finished piece ... ready for texturing!

Current feelings at this point are a little bit on edge, relieved, happy that I've done something that confused the heck out of me just a week ago! I do like using Maya even with it frustrating me at times. I think I'd love to do more low poly modeling than high but I have to think about possible employment choices in the future with the lower option. Maybe have a look at that in BA6 .... but yeah .... Huzzah! Model is getting there!


Three boxes together

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