Friday 16 January 2015

Feelings at this current point of the second week.

So far I have managed to avoid my timetable which at first I seemed to stick to quite well, I got a few things done, but then I got bogged down in pointless parts of research, looking back did I really need to spend ages looking at weather conditions .... not really, I still struggle with time keeping, I have the ability to get stuck on certain things and not focus on the important parts of the project.

Current Strengths

  • I am still enjoying the content I am researching, looking at all these different cultures has been really eye opening for me
  • I am getting a tiny bit better with organising work, normally I lose where I have put things but being more organised with my locations of files has helped me greatly, I used to just save things wherever they got saved to and ended up losing research items and forgetting them completely, but now everything has its place.
  •  I can paint a tiny bit better than normal.
Where can I improve?

  • I am still really bad at comparing my work to others, and it is starting to affect how I work myself, I see other people getting on really well with their paintings and I look at mine and think I paint like a child. It's something that I keep trying to work on but I get stuck on the thought that I will never get as good as some people.
  • Sticking to the timetable, again I wrote last time that I was struggling to keep to it, but here I am again, for the next art test I am going to try so hard to stick with my own set goals.
  • Making my work fit the brief, I am still not sure my work looks like Fable style, I keep thinking of the Tudor style houses and none of the people I have chosen to look at have houses like that, I am a bit worried that my work won't have that whimsical style to it. I know there is more to Fable than Tudor houses but that is the first thing that sticks in my head when thinking of the game.
  • Spending more time on my photoshop skills, I don't really make the time to do art which is probably a bad thing considering this is what I want to use to make a living (sigh) must make room in my day for a little bit of art here and there
I keep seeming to find more weaknesses than I do strengths ... Oh dear!

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