Monday 10 November 2014

Plot for the game and such and such.

I have been thinking long and hard about what I want this game to be and what it would become if I was to pursue it in the future ... From the start I wanted it to be a 'coming of age' style affair, where you see a lonely girl afraid of the world, fight her fears, push herself beyond her comfort zone and become someone brave and ready to be all she can be! The hardest part of this has been thinking, what is the plot of this, why is she doing all this, what drives the villain and what drives our heroine. I have also struggled how to get Florence's 'push out of the door' how does she end up going out ...

Here I have written some of the main plot points, what happens on screen and such ...

 The way the game will play out plot wise.

Beginning – We are introduced to Florence with a cut scene, with a basic story of her life thus far, a brief explanation about an illness which claimed her parents, how she came to be a Taxidermist and ends after a quick tour around the work area, the game starts with Florence in her work area, you are them prompted (if you have played the game through already this is can be skipped) with how to play the game beginning with creating pieces of Taxidermy (a badger, a hedgehog and a deer fawn, these cannot be customised because they are your party) with basic steps each featuring a different way of creating the animals because of the different sizes (the gutting will be a fade to black with the innards appearing in the sink) Once this stage is done you are shown the movement controls and how to return to the home base (which is next to your taxidermy studio) where the player can change outfits, put pieces up for sale, choose areas to fast travel to ect. We are introduced to the three main party members and their personalities


Start of the main plot – The major of Aspington passes by as you bring back to life the last of your party and questions what you are doing, this character is heavily into the occult and wants to know how you did such magic. You refuse to talk about it and close shop, you discuss with your animal friends about the world and how you’ve heard about the discovery of the latest City of Siaera and you’ve always wanted to explore the world but you don’t want to do it alone as you've spent your whole life in a shop on the outskirts of the City. So you and your party set out to see this new land. Meanwhile Oswald breaks into your shop and discovers a few bottles of recently invented formula (you have the list of ingredients with you all the time) and steals a few of your inventions, he brings them to life and sends them out of hunt you and your list down.

Main goal of the game - As you defeat these enemies you discover Oswald has intentions to create an army of undead humans to take over the Cities of the world one by one until he is the undisputed leader of the world.As you visit each land seeking the help from other leaders of the big Cities you become exposed to the confidence of a growing world around you, you begin to see things you have never seen, each time you complete the quests of the City in order to gain the faith of the leaders of each City you are in you and you pets 'level up' and are able to create more powerful creatures to help you.

The end of the game - You've created a powerful force, with leaders behind you wanting to save the world from the threat of the undead. You march into Aspington and prepare yourself for the final battle against Oswald who has combined himself with the work he stole from you, after the battle you realise there is only one way to stop this man, destroy the formula .... This would mean the death of your friends who have helped you all this way. The idea is to have two paths .... you see a vision, one path leads to darkness, the human friends you have made are suffering, the world is a wreck and in charge in Oswald. The other path leads to the world renewed, a new Mayor is in charge and is leading all the Cities of Siaera into global peace, you see yourself in a newly restored Taxidermy Studio in the middle of town, but your faithful stuffed friends are still, on a shelf. Florence sees herself looking sad until into her studio walks in a few of the human friends she has made come to see her. The game presents this dilemma ... chose to save the world but lose your creations, or save them and the world is doomed. I want people to automatically chose to destroy the formula as you have watched Florence grow, and she won't need stuffed animals to rely on. You chose your option and assuming you have chosen the nice option, a cut scene will show Florence destroying the formula and your list of ingredients, you defeat Oswald and the vision of the future plays out.


I remember having an option like that from the Avatar game, I think that's how I would have my choices layed out, I like this person here chose to join the Navi without hesitation, I would at least want peple playing my game to think about what they are doing, mostly I think this would only be done by hardcore gamers who like to think about everything they do before hand.

Aside from the main story there are plenty of opportunities to do side quests, collecting objects, and exploring. Only at certain points in the story you have to follow through quest chains as it means you have hit a major plot point. Some side missions revolve around taking commissions through the newly invented Phonogram (telephone) doing side missions earns money, you can use this to buy sundries to create taxidermy once you have made something you can either bring the taxidermy to life if you have enough supplies or sell it on to make more money, use money to buy clothes/improve the shop/buy exotic animal skins.

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