Monday 10 November 2014

Creating The World around Taxidermy Girl.

I have been thinking about the whole world outside of my prototype (thinking if I was creating the whole game and not this tiny aspect of it) I think it's really important to get this information down in my blog as its something not at all mentioned in the prototype but I want people to know a little more about it, with details such as City names, currency, weather and what not.


The game is set in the world of ‘Siaera‘. Basically the world is Earth with its creatures, humans, science ect, the only thing different is the way the worlds landmass is spread), the world has been in an Industrial age for several years. The modern world primarily runs on the currency of Supples, Quints and Churts. There are 100 Churts in a Quint and 50 Quints in a Supple (the Supple is like the equivalent of our Pound coin) Supples are made from gold, Quints are made of silver and Churts are made from bronze.

There are 12 major cities the player can explore, these all offer their own unique items to buy and species of animal to collect. As the planet Siaera is pretty much like Earth, it too has different biomes such as jungles, deserts, mountains ect.

 baby maps of Aspington and its surrounding fields.

  • Aspington - this is the main city of Siaera you will spend most of your time in, the home City of Florence Tanner, heavily affected by the industrial change, as such the city is a tale of two … poverty and richness with a lucky few people who slip into the middle ground. (Based on real world Victorian London so features typically British animals like rats, foxes ect). Famous for its red brick buildings and well stocked markets. Enjoys a fair climate but can experience severe downpours.
  • Genelia - A flowery City to the West of Subia, it is known for its delicate fabrics and unique architecture. Hot climate, but cold in winter, the City basically 'hibernates' when its flowers die.
  • Aflaria - this is one of the smaller cities, populated mostly by a culture similar to that of real world Romany Gypsies, very religious and suspicious of strangers. Cold climate up near the Northern Pole of Siaera. Rarely gets warmer than 13 degrees.
  • Torington - A City commonly referred to 'Bankers Paradise' this is where rich and successful Cities send all their gold for 'safe keeping'. Temperamental climate, there is an old wives tale saying that when there is gold there is warmth and when there is none there is cold.
  • Daye -  This City is known for its Daye-Bread, a bread that has hallucinogenic properties, as such is highly sought after by both rich and poor in Aspington, mainly the poor who want to escape the drudgery of life (can be used by Florence to help her think of more weird designs)
  • Saoania - A swamp City generally ignored by the others because of its placement, rich in bog ore it is a good area for ore hunting by people looking to make a quick Supple.
  • Woosal - A lush part of Siaera where plants grow thick, the City is built around farmlands and produces many of the food products eaten in the larger Cities around it. Weather here is perfect for crops as it is neither hot or cold, perfectly mild.
  • Belgarum - Near the Southern Pole of Siaera inhabited by people who have adapted to the cold (with thick noses and skin like that of ancient homosapians, basically never evolved) everything there is built to withstand freezing temperatures, The city itself is mostly underground to protect buildings from the cold.
  • Flimsey - A poor city given this name because of its wooden 'flimsy' structures and wind affected valleys.
  • Subia - Desert island City only recently discovered by explorers from Tushington (similar culture to the real world equivalent of the Middle-Eastern people.)
  • Tushington - Sister City to Aspington 2nd largest City on the planet, only just in the grip of the Industrial Age so it is mostly as it was unaffected by pollutants. A more accepting culture than that of its Sister City.
  • Taiting - Ghost City, (had a similar culture to Asia) was attacked by unknown forces and now lays to waste, run only by mother nature it is said if people enter the Cities fallen walls they will be cursed for eternity.

Here are some more base sketches I done to see what her house and studio would look like.

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