Thursday 23 October 2014

Bridewell Museum

I forgot to make a post about our groups visit to the Bridewell Museum This place was amazing and gave me so much insperation, I didn't realise it at the time but this place would be the main place I got all the ideas from for my taxidermy studio, in paticular two peices would become the main focus for the studio. These were, a golden sheep suspended on a pulley above a glass display and the other a complete victorian pharmacy.

 This is the dress that inspired me to create Florence's shop keepers outfit!

We were asked to create an image using items from the Museum. This is the image I made using the sheep on the pully but instead of being above a cabinet I thought it could be a taxidermy creation station where Florence creates all her work. The Pharmacy was the base for the studio and the shop was the base for where she served customers. Despite not being very technically correct it was my tutors favourite piece out of the group which made me very happy!


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