Thursday 23 October 2014

Concepts for character/creatures

As I have already had a basic idea what Taxidermy Girl was going to be I have to change a lot of things so I don't get stuck staying with the same image. There are certain things I want to keep, such as the hair colour and the style of dress she is wearing, however I want to make her fit with the clothing of the period I have chosen. I started with the three main outfits she will be seen in.

The first is the basic idea for her normal clothing, using the mutton leg sleeves I saw in various images in my mood board study, it looks very middle class and professional to me, I think I will keep these colour, If this was a full game idea I would have several of these as buyable options like with all of the clothes Florence wears, giving players a little more chance to customise their character.

The Second is the clothing she puts on when she is creating taxidermy, the player can do taxidermy in their work clothes or their traveling clothes but Florence will complain about either her professional clothes getting messy or will say that people will look at her weird if she gets blood on her traveling clothes.

Done a quick portrait of what I want her to look like, then done a few hair styles, I really like the hair down so thats the style I stuck with

I made a basic concept of her standard adventuring outfit chosen from the colours I really liked the most, a lot of the colours were just too vibrant for me and although I liked the red one

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