Thursday 23 October 2014

Lesson - Game Study

Going to look into 3D games that have 3rd person view as this is the type of game I am looking to create. I began my search here by looking into games like Fable as this was the first game I looked at when planning 'Magical Taxidermy Girl'.

These are the games that I have heard of but not played, that I want to look at further ...

  • look at the humour style. Also that 'Your journey as The Bard is narrated over by the narrator who doesn’t hide the fact that he doesn’t like you.' I would like to use this aspect in MTG like she is reading you the story of what happened over her journey.
  • - maybe less so because the combat is different. maybe because of the open word. Also the 'unique focus on alchemy that could lead to you poisoning yourself' element could work well in a game about chemicals and taxidermy.
  • I like the look of the comment 'Solid combat that doesn’t get old.' also the way it uses 'Advancement through the game is split up with several city hubs and villagers where players acquire information, quests and supplies before continuing on their journey.'
  • This game has a lot of game time with 50+ hours playtime, I would love to have this aspect in the game, also the ability to have players create content would be pretty cool.
Overall I think I am more drawn to 'LOTR War In The North' and 'Witcher' so I will check out reviews on these games before I get to play them.

((insert reviews about Witcher here))

((insert reviews about LOTRWITN here))

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