Friday 15 November 2013

Colour Variations.

Doing the value was tricky, learning to use layers and the opacity tool to create colour overlays was another kettle of fish, but once I knew what to do I found it quite easy to churn out different colour versions of my chosen two value pieces. Choosing colours however was rather annoying as the perfectionist in me wants everything to look nice. I wanted some of the colours to look mismatched, like my pirate girl had just stolen different mens clothes and thrown them together. These are the first coloured values I done.

I think my favourite out of the lot was the middle one, I thought the colours worked quite nicely together. As this wasn't the value I chose for my final design I picked the colours I liked most from these three and tried to incorperate them into the final design.

I thought the brown jacket was a little too drab and the colours in the last image didn't really catch my eye. The middle and the top ones are my favourite, for the final image in the project I want to combine them to create the final outfit .... I have said final too many times. I like the patches on the middle one and the scratches on the shirt in the top one. I kept the stripes in the design on all three as I want the trousers to look 'piratey'. I kept the wigs the same three colours as these were the only three colours I was interested in. I am quite partial to the blue or the pink, more so with the blue as it works better with the green coat. The addition of the buckle works quite nicely breaking up the solid black of the boots in my opinion.

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