Monday 11 November 2013

Face drawn from 3rd value variant.

I feel this deserves a blog post to itself because it marks a moment in my drawing career, having purely been a pencil and paper kind of drawer I've always found the concept of digital and tablet work fairly bemusing, I've never really drawn any detail, faces, landscapes on a computer before so this piece of work makes me feel quite chuffed.

In the long run it's probably not he most exciting face profile I will draw, but to me it is amazing just because it's the first face I've drawn that looks like a face! It certainly makes me think I'm going to do well on this course, Iwould never have ventured into digital much without it.

This is one of the first sketches from the values I have done digitally and is how I imagine my pirate lady (she really needs a name!) to look underneath her bandana mask. I didn't want her to look to pretty, and I have a thing for broken noses, I love her already! Can't wait to draw more of her!

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