Thursday 21 November 2013

Character Models and Sheets

These are my character and model sheets, I kept them quite simple in black and white against a grey background as I felt this made the images stand out, also I thought in the eyes of someone crafting my character from the concepts that having the basic lines with a colour guide would help them more. I am also quite fond of my drawings being in black and white. This was fun for me as I had just really started discovering how my tablet worked. With the character designs I felt that as my girl was quite cocky she wouldn't really have a sad face, so I just went with slightly disinterested instead

The last image was the first I had drawn solely in Photoshop so I felt she deserved some colour. Below are the Front, back and sides of my character, along with a few sheets of items that I felt were meaningful to her such as her hip flask which she keeps in her peg leg and the peg leg itself and how it would attach to the leg. I also wanted to show closeups of her shawl and boots as these are key to hiding her gender. The boots which are too baggy for her and the old shawl which hides some of her chest.

Overall I think these sheets all match well together and bring my soldier somewhat to life.

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