Thursday 21 November 2013

Final Image

And now the grand reveal, the final image that my project has been building up to. This was the VERY first drawing that I have done that is in colour, has featured a background and doesn't rely purely on outlining. The biggest challenge for me was obviously understanding the colour palettes, figuring out layers and drawing without lines. Firstly I started out with basic lines, seeing what went where. Once I have done this I moved onto basic colours, then onto working on the environment, and then details and finally adding the character last.

I really feel like I have achieved something with this final image, having never achieved success with any drawing to this degree. My favourite part is the ocean, I love the colours that sort of just happened, I was trying to make it look like a traditional British ocean as my character is set in Georgian Europe (or specifically for me, England) the ocean wouldn't be bright blue like in the Bahamas or the Caribbean. I feel like I have successfully replicated it in this image.

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