Tuesday 15 October 2013

researching Georgian Europe, Character selection and ideas.

 Europe as it was during the Georgian Period of History.
Timeline for the Georgian Era

Upon the death of his second cousin Queen Anne, George Louis, Elector of Hannover succeeds as the new King, George I, of Great Britain and Ireland, the former of which had itself been established in 1706. This is the beginning of the House of Hanover's reign over the British Crown.
The Whig Party wins the British Parliamentary Election for the House of Commons. This was the party that was in general opposition of the policies of the King.
George I dies and his son George, Prince of Wales ascends to the throne as George II
The final Jacobite rising is crushed at the Battle of Culloden.
George II dies, and his grandson George, Prince of Wales ascends to the throne as George III, since his father, Frederick, Prince of Wales, had died in March 1751.
Britain is victorious in the Seven Years War. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 grants Britain domain over vast new territories around the world.
The Stamp Act is passed by the Parliament of Great Britain, causing much unrest in the Thirteen Colonies in North America.
The War of Independence begins in the Thirteen Colonies, specifically in Massachusetts.
The Thirteen Colonies in North America declare their independence from the British Crown and British Parliament.
The British Army in America under Lord Cornwallis surrenders to George Washington after its defeat in Yorktown, Virginia in October 1781.
British formally recognises the independence of the original 13 American States when the Treaty of Paris of 1783 is signed by David Hartley, representing George III, and by the American treaty delegation.
The Act of Union 1800 comes into effect on 1 January, uniting the Kingdoms of Great Britain and of Ireland into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
George, Prince of Wales begins his nine-year period as the regent (he became known as George, Prince Regent) for George III, who has become delusional. This sub-period of the Georgian Era is defined as the regency period.
Napoleon I of France is defeated by the Seventh Coalition under The Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo, in what is now Wallonia, Belgium.
The Peterloo Massacre occurs.
George III dies, and his son George, Prince Regent ascends to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as George IV.
George IV dies. According to some authorities, this is the end of the Georgian era of the House of Hannover. However, many other authorities continue this era during the relatively short reign of his brother, The Prince William, Duke of Clarence, who became William IV.
Slavery Abolition Act is passed by Parliament through the influence of William Wilberforce and the Evangelical movement, thus criminalizing the African slave trade and all its cruelties and abominations within the British Empire.
William IV dies, ending the Georgian Era, and is succeeded by his niece, Queen Victoria, the last member of the House of Hanover. She married Prince Albert, who was of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and so, when their son Albert Edward, Prince of Wales succeeded as Edward VII, that House gained the British throne.


I wanted to mess around with Georgian era Transylvania but, finding it hard to research this time period going through everything Dracula, I abandoned this in favor of sticking with Europe possibly Ireland or England. I had toyed around with the idea of Pirates first looking up famous pirates of the Georgian era.

List of Famous Pirates Names - 1700 - 1800
The following list of names represent the most famous pirates who were associated with the 1700's:

Black Bart (Bartholomew Roberts) - Welsh Pirate
George Booth - English Pirate
John Bowen - English Pirate
Black Bellamy (Samuel Bellamy) - Famous English Pirate
Edward Teach or Thatch, known as Blackbeard - English Pirate
Anne Bonney (Anne Cormac) - Famous Irish Female Pirate
Edward England - English
Henry Every (Avery) - English
Benjamin Hornigold - English
Calico Jack (Jack Rackham) - English
James Kelly - English Captain
William Kidd - Scottish
Mary Read - Famous English Female Pirate
Bartholomew Roberts - English
Thomas Tew - English
Charles Vane - English
Richard Worley - English
John Morris - English


I wanted originally to play with the Witch character setting the story before the slave trade abolishment as I like the idea of a voodoo/hoodoo witch, but as it's mostly pictured from the deep south and Cajunesque I will drop this in favour of the soldier character despite the characters given flaws as my first desire to have a pirate theme will be easier with this. I like the idea of a greedy pirate wanting more money.

I will be changing the character from male to female, as Anne Bonney and Mary Read were around during my given time period it wouldn't be a strange concept having a female pirate acting and dressing as a man. For the story I quite like the idea of keeping the Princess as a female character, for the reason her parents are keeping her hidden. With attitudes towards lesbianism in this time period, the idea that a rich families daughter was being taken away in the night to be seduced by a woman would be quite frowned upon.

I was worried that I would end up slowly creeping away from Europe as common Piracy tales come from around the Caribbean and are often associated as such with big name movies basing the stories in places like Jamaica and Port Royal. I am going to make sure I stick close to Europe as piracy happened around here with fisherman villages smuggling all sorts to tempt the upper classes.

With the dogs I would like to use manatees as replacement trying to link in Hans Christian Andersen's other tale 'The Little Mermaid' as manatees were often mistaken for mermaids by sailors. I'm not sure how I could fit the manatees into the story as they are quite a bit larger than dogs and trying to keep in with the theme of Europe the closest manatees get to Europe is the top of Africa, but with the tree in the story it opens up into a large room. I can also play with the idea of seagulls instead as these would be a common site around ships. I also have to consider how these creatures would attack at the end of the story, I can't imagine manatees 'dashing people to pieces' without it looking too comical.


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