Tuesday 29 October 2013

Finishing the Silhouettes 12-50.

It has been awhile since I wrote a blog post, I have to admit I am finding it hard to write this as it is something so new to me, but it is one of those things I will have to adapt to, and the more I do it the better I will get at being able to write down what processes I am using and what I feel about my work.

Having gotten that out of the way I have finished my 50 silhouettes, this like the blogging was a bit tricky for me to get my head around as I always want my work to look finished and polished, seeing just the blank shapes made me feel nervous  but actually finishing them and looking back at them I can see how good they actually look for what they are, the looser ones even more so. Here are the last 39 of them.

Doing the silhouettes is a really good way of getting ideas down for the future part the project, after looking through the whole lot I can see ideas that have been coming up, such as the false (peg) leg, a rumpled powdered wig and a large oversized coat.

Now moving on from the silhouettes I have another challenge to overcome, doing the values and colour variations. As I always say, I love a challenge!

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