Tuesday 15 October 2013

First 11 Silhouettes.

Doing the silhouttes has been more of a challenge than I thought it would be, no matter how hard I kept telling myself that I didn't need to do details and that the images where supposed to be sketchy, I couldn't stop myself trying to make them look neat. These are my first 11 done after so many throw aways and deletes. My next 11 I will aim to make them messier and more shapey.

I like the idea of the wooden leg and the crutch, it does look very 'stereotypical' pirate style but I figured if the soldier was returning from a battle it could be very feasible that they lost a limb whilst fighting. I think I would like to use that and some form of large dress and large hat combination. Also want to have some form of powdered wig in the final design that could be peeping through a hat, but I still have a fair few to go so who knows.

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