Sunday 13 October 2013

First Project at NUAGAD - BA1 Concept Visualisation.

So I have begun my time at Norwich University of the Arts studying Games Art & Design, received my first project called 'Concept Visualisation' the project is to Transpose Hans Christian Andersen's "The Tinderbox" being given a specific time and place.

The final submission will include.

  • A short synopsis
  • 50 silhouettes - minimum - a minute for each one
  • Character iteration
  • Model sheet
  • Character sheets
  • Research portfolio
  • Reflective journal (this blog)
  • Final resolved image

My given time period was 'Georgian Europe' Overall I am very excited about this project, I will be doing work I have never done before and working with equipment I have never really experimented with. The one thing that particularly worries me is doing the silhouettes as I do like to add detail into my work and just having the blank image and having to spend so little time on each one makes me feel weird, and time management, being quite scatterbrained my train of thought does tend to drift off slightly. But we are here to learn and learn I will. I am always up for a challenge.

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