Wednesday 13 May 2015

Opinions on certain rooms.

I went back to my peers with some of the rooms that have been completed. I wanted to test what people though the room contained and what it meant without having much context to see if the average person would be able to pick up on the vibes that I hoped to give.

This room was to depict domestic violence that would have been witnessed by the character during their childhood.

Some people picked up on it, at the moment the place fillers are confusing people without context but as its only a basic prototype level I won't be changed anything, I'm just happy that some people picked up the shown hints. I also like that people rolled with what they thought was happening on screen, without any context players would have to make up their own minds on what they thought was panning out, if they were going into this game blind they wouldn't understand the journey they are taking until the very end and hopefully that would make it more shocking to them!

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