Thursday 14 May 2015

Creating the level (Maya Stage)

As I start creating my level I put down a few basic blocks to map the shape from the drawings I done. I have compiled all of the screen caps I have taken so far.

I had a few problems with building this for a long time, At first I started by making the level out of flat boxes, but soon found out that once I put a texture on there would only be one texture for the whole thing, so I had to create walls with two planes so I could have different colours on each side of the walls. The next challenge was the stairways ... I was having so many problems creating the stairs and then unwrapping them, there were too many edges and this was supposed to be low poly so I deleted the stairs in favour of a sloping corridor.

One thing I found as I was building was that it is a lot harder creating a downwards going level, I lost so many cubes because I thought I was building it where I put it only to realise the cube was up on the grid somewhere. Silly times!


And here are the some of my favourite screen caps from the build now the base model is finished. I really love just making things, even if something where a challenge, this was the first time I made leaves and flowerpots, it was rather fun!

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