Thursday 16 April 2015

Getting opinions

I knew that to get the character right I would have to get an idea of what people first think of when they hear the term 'Serial Killer' for this game idea I'm still not sure whether or not I want to play on a stereotype with the character or whether I want to go for something less obvious.

I went to facebook and posted in two seperate places the same question

"What is the first thing you mentally think of when you hear the term 'Serial Killer'
What appearance comes to mind? What age? What race? What gender? Literally the first things that pop into your head when you read those questions?"

These are the responses I got.

The general opinion would be a male, in his 30's/40's, short haired, well kept appearance that isn't unpleasant, with some form of issues/complexes. Not one person mentioned people of colour and only a couple mentioned a female. It does seem to be a widely held belief that a serial killer is a while straight male loner.

I'm thinking I would like to make a male character, I will try out some female sketches as well and see which I prefer to tell the story in game.

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