Friday 6 February 2015

Current Feelings on this half of the project.

It's amazing what a difference a week makes, I guess I have to be on the right path somewhere as I do feel completely different with this art test. Maybe it was the break that gave me the chance to settle down and almost get over myself, but I do feel a lot more confident in my research so far.

I haven't yet started on my 3D model but I am looking forward to it, with my 2D work I just felt like 'urgh I have to do another piece' environment art isn't for me let's just leave it at that :). It's just one of those things I will have to put a bit more effort into if I want to get better at it

I had a brief chat with my Course Leader about how I felt about this project and how I was feeling about the first half and it has definitely made me feel more motivated to do work, she reminded me that I'm still at uni and still learning so it's good to find such weaknesses because its the right time to do so, it does make you feel really good when you feel that there is someone who believes in you even if you don't believe in yourself.

Anyway I'm probably ranting as I have done quite a bit with this blog! Have a happy kitten!

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