Tuesday 6 January 2015

New Year. New Project BA5 - Industry Focus – Art Test

Well here we are, another project beginning, in my last project I got a 2:1 with 66%, nearly at a first and every time I hand in I see a small increase, this must mean I am learning something, which is very nice. After what seemed like the longest Christmas break yet (in which I am sad to say I didn't do as much drawing as I did eating) we arrive back at NUA with BA 5 which is about Art Tests. Here are the project briefs

I'm not sure why but since Year One I've been very nervous about getting projects because I know its all working up to something serious and I have to make sure I do my best, with Year 1 there was almost a safety net feeling, and now we are away from the safety nets and up on the trapeze ... However I am excited to be doing work that I could possibly be doing in the games industry.

For this project which is 6/7 weeks long altogether which is scarily short. we are to do our blogs daily using this not only as a place to put all our research but as a place to reflect, and write everything that we do to do with our projects. We have to note down all our strengths and weaknesses and discover such strengths and weaknesses. I am hoping to do something where I can gain more strength with my photoshop skills such as painting environments and landscapes, or something where I get to work more with 3D environments as I did have a lot of fun making the level in the last project.

With this term we get 1 art test to do per three weeks until hand in so it goes as follows.

Week 1-3 will be tests from NUA.
Week 4-6 will be tests given to us from people from the Games Industry.

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