Thursday 27 November 2014

Taxidermy Girl GDD 0.02

Revised MVP GDD, After a feedback session with my group and tutor they gave me serial bits to change such as ...
  • Change the way the text flows it isn't central, instead should be left-aligned or justified.
  • Circles underneath the numbers in the diagrams so they are more visible.
  • Putting in more description, must imagine people haven't played the games I've based my prototype on (no jargon)
  • Frames on all diagrams.
  • Use HUD instead of UI.
  • Take how the questions like "How will it sound?" be more confident and say what you want in the game not can I have this in the game.
  • Don't let your border dictate your design.
  • Get rid of the concept art page and free up a space for more content.
  • switch slide 9/8 around.
Really love the way it looks with less borders, it really give the content room to breathe. Also having the extra slide gives me the opportunity to talk more about my secondary characters as I felt like they hadn't been covered and having them in the border would not flow well.

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