Friday 9 January 2015

Feelings at this current point in the 1st week.

In the brief on Monday the 5th we were asked to use this blog to record everything to do with the project, and that included our thoughts and feelings on it. I never really know how to get my thoughts out in lectures even though I should, I know there is never really a wrong question or answer in Uni as we are all here to learn. I will write down what I am enjoying most in the first week and where I need to improve, and I will be honest with myself here .... there is not point in lying to myself after all!

*Insert motivitational image here*

Current Strengths.

  • I am enjoying the research into Lionhead and the artstyle they have. Thankfully having a well known game to research means I haven't struggled to find images for my mood boards and I have plenty of colour palettes to choose from and replicate.
  • I am really enjoying researching different cultures and biomes, with my other project I was working from an idea I already had, this time I am doing everything from scratch which means I am not already tied to an existing idea and this means I get to look into things I have never heard of before. Particularly the Inuit side of things.
  • I am finding it easier to blog, I used to feel it was kind of a hindrance and I kept thinking who on Earth would want to read this stuff apart from the tutors, but this term it feels different, maybe its the doing it so often that I don't lose the rhythm of blogging.
  • I LEARNED HOW TO WORK ALCHEMY, after a year of trying I discovered how to work the magic of this random bloody program, it's such an awesome way to get things down quickly and I've always been envious of those who can do such amazing stuff using it. With a bit more practise I will get there, I think I will be doing all of my landscapes with this before taking them into photoshop. its such a fluid way of working but you can barely control it, you don't get bogged down in thinking 'why doesn't this look like this yet'.

 Where can I improve?

  • I thought I would be able to stick better to a routine, I wrote down what I should have done by now and I am still at the research point, it's not a massive problem as I kind of know where I want to be and what I want to do, but its just sticking to the schedule as I am still very easily lead away and prone to procrastination.
  • My tutor noticed I was spending too much time researching people and biomes when I should probably be doing the environments more, I agree with this, I do want to explore people in the landscape but I should probably not spend as much time as I have on them. I will now only look at certain weather conditions as mentioned in the lecture (summer, winter autumn), especially the winter side, I've never painted snow and I'm guessing it will be a bit more complicted than just sticking white blobs on the painting.
  • Believing in myself. I'm still worrying about silly things, I'm not even sure I should be blogging these kinds of feelings but they affect my work so I guess its better down here than in my head. I have mentioned before that I was struggling with this, it is getting better but it's just that niggling thought that I won't do anything good, my tutor also mentioned to me that even if our work wasn't great, it was the process that we took getting there that would be accounted. That helped a lot with me panicking about my skills.
I think that's about all I can think about this early into the project, I will write another one of these next week and see where I have improved and what new things I can work on in the future.

*Insert more motivitational images here*

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