Sunday 28 September 2014

A week to uni.

A new year begins, my second year at NUA looms and I am a little aprehensive .... here comes the moment where I choose my possible future career and I still don't really know what I want to do ... stuck between Concept and Asset.

Anyway, here is the final result from my summer project for Freshers to see, I didn't really get enough time to explore what I wanted to do unfortunately the dark side of gaming dragged me into its clutch. I started to explore a little more into an old character that I want to look at more. A Biological lifeform on a Planet similar to Earth, an escaped slave for an alien race who now makes a living as a rent a kill assassin :D She makes me very happy!

I still have a long way to go with my understanding of photoshop and feel I still have weaknesses where landscapes and realistic humans are concerned, but this is probably the best piece I have done so far in my time at uni, I can see errors in this still, the armband doesn't really look like its on the arm (still struggle with stuff like that) the shading is a little off and the detail could be a little better! I do love the pose as it was kinda hard to get down right, the foot was tricky to work out in paticular!

Anyway just a little blog post updating the final result of my work.

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