Saturday 30 August 2014

PAL Summer projects, gotta keep busy!

It's been a long while since I've written a blog and although it's nice to have a break, its probably for the best if I get into the habit of blog writing again. I was accepted to become a PAL, which stands for Peer Assisted Learning, ad my role is to be a mentor to upcoming First Years which gives me great joy, being able to pass on advice is always a good thing especially for people who probably felt like I did before starting Uni, nervous ... unsure of things. helping people is a very nice job indeed!

The job of a PAL was to set a Summer Project to get the firsties thinking about drawing and getting into the practise of making sketchbooks with both imaginative and real drawings with both 2d and 3d aspects! For my own project it has to coincide with the directed study set by our tutors, for that I will choose to study up for game asset creation and will make a different blog post for that another time.

For my project sketchbook I am going to do more environmental studies as I felt these were my weak-points, along with life like drawings, I will aim to explore my darker side and use my interest in the occult to create two final pieces both environmental and character design. My character designing of late has been a bit underwhelming so I hope to 'get my groove' back so to speak over the course of this month in preperation for Year 2 ... eek!

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