Friday 25 April 2014

Taking shape, and a Brazen Bull.

Everything is starting to finally look ready for UVing, there is still a little to do as far as accessorising goes, the thing I think sets my model apart is the fact that the objects around it add more to the castle and as such I want to make these look as good as the castle does, if they don't the castle loses a major part of its theme.

I really wanted to do a Brazen Bull in my castle, although not typically a Russian/Eastern European method of torture I wanted to add one in to fit with the torture and criminal theme but to add depth to my character who I want to appear as a rich and knowledgeable woman who reads about the wider world. Here is a little info on the Brazen Bull.
"The Brazen Bull, sometimes known as the Sicilian Bull is one of the cruelest methods of torture and execution out there. Designed in ancient Greece, solid brass was cast into the shape of a hollow bull, with a door on the side that opened and latched. To begin the execution, the victim was placed inside of the brass bull and a fire was set underneath. The fire was heated until the metal was literally yellow, causing the victim to "roast to death". The bull was designed so that the screams of the victim would come out sounding musical for the enjoyment of the executioner, the inventor of this form of punishment ended up being executed inside of the Bull."
 I was a little worried about how I was going to create this item, but fortunatly there was a ready made bull in Mudbox that I exported into Maya, although it up my polys I was very glad to have a ready made item, I made the horns a little wider and made a 'hatch' on the belly and made a hollow tube shape underneath it for the fire pit. I placed this item underneath the fake door near the top of my castle, the idea is that prisoners inside would somehow get free, find a door to knowhere and look down, only to see the bull. I wonder about my imagination sometimes :/


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