Monday 21 April 2014

Maya Screenies.

Here are some of my Maya progress screenshots, this was my first attempt. It was all going well until I realised that one, I had stuck the domes on too soon and they were all in centimeters instead of meters, and I could not get them to scale right .... so deleted that one! Although I did learn how to make a Gibbet which was fun!

Next attempt went better, got the scale right and the scale man actually looked less like giant Ant-Man. Huzzah everything seemed to be going well (for 4 hours) up until I was trying to create edges along the floor levels of the castle. I accidentally deleted two REALLY important edges without realising it and no matter what I tried I could not get them back in, lesson learned however ... CHECK EEEEEVERY LINE BEFORE DELETING ANYTHING! EVER!

On the third try I tried to keep simple as possible so I wouldn't get frustrated with the program (which I had to uninstall/reinstall at this point) as it was being rather glitchy. I took my time and got the castle sorted and the turrets/domes all sorted ready to make more beautiful. Next thing to do is add the windows and sort out the balcony, then do the bridge. So lots to do :)


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