Tuesday 11 February 2014

Sticking with an idea.

Last Wednesday, after a group critique session and asking my group peers which choice was a better one, I have decided to completely stick with my deer lady. This will be the last time I think on this as hand in draws nearer I can't keep changing my mind. In my opinion the results I got with the silhouettes were stronger and looked more to the brief than the mermaid did. Also from the reactions from peers the deer lady looked better.

I also got some better ideas for the deer lady, the antlers on her head made people think of Christmas. This played on my mind, how could I keep the antlers but make them less Christmasesque. A fellow student mentioned making them out of twisted willow branches with natural symbols of purity embedded in them and into them. I have seen Willow branches shaped into deer before, I then looked up the symbolism of willow.

"The Celtic meaning of willow has a long history of symbolism associated with metaphysical and ritual practices.
Specifically, the willow wood has been (and still is) used in ceremonies intended for enhancement of psychic abilities, honoring the moon as well as increase the essence of love in our lives.
Many uses and associations came be traced back to our Celtic ancestors' observations of the willow tree in their natural environment. Druid priests, dryads (priestesses), bards and ovates all recognized the willow's affinity to watery domains. Flora and fauna in close connection with water are considered dwellers of the psychic realm, and symbolic of inspired imagination."

As I want to involve the 'third eye' into my design this would work really well, the psychic abilities from the willow could power up the Deer ladies third eye and her power to detect only the purest of people. For the next day I think I'm going to do more work on a back story and why this character chose her Chaste way of life. Also I will work on character costumes.

My course leader advised me to never abandon an idea as throughout my time at Norwich University of The Arts I might want to use this pure mermaid idea again in another project. As I've already come a fair way with this character idea I think this advice is very wise.

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