Friday 31 January 2014

More sillouettes (failures and sucesses) and working out webbed hands.

Just a little more experimenting with PS and Al.Chemy. Some of these are deer-like but I didn't want to not include them as I feel they are part of my journey into creating what I am thinking about. I still want to incorporate the 'Third Eye' from the deer thing to my mermaid thing as I think it would be a cool look.

 And here are the PS pieces. Really love the way of the designs and how they curve.
And here just messing around with how webbed hands would look, will have to do more research into the way sea/water creatures pull themselves through the water and propel themselves fast.

Symbols of Chastity and Purity I want to use.

I seem to have found my ideal creature, now I need to establish what I want put on her to represent my chosen virtue.

So far I have found these things in nature to represent Purity.

  • Waterlilies. "According to Buddhism, enlightenment is associated with this blossom. Different colored water lilies have different representations according to the ancient Buddhists, and the practice is still carried out. For instance a red lily connotes love and passion, and is considered to be the lotus of the heart. The iconography of the purple lily is mystic power, whereas the white lily is mental purity. The highest deity is represented with a pink lily and blue lilies are often associated with knowledge. In the spiritual arena of Hinduism, the concept of resurrection is symbolically denoted by the water lily. This is because at night (or during darkness) the lilies close their blossoms and with the first ray of the sun, they open. It is also a symbol of purity, because even though the plant grows in mud, the flower is pure and free from blemishes". (
  •  Pearls. "The pearl was imbued with many of its implications in the context of paintings of the Madonna. Through representations of the Virgin Mary pearls came to be associated with faith and chastity. The pearls used to adorn the Virgin were not necessarily the pearls one would see in everyday life. These were larger, perfectly round, and flawlessly white with a beautiful luster, while normal pearls may have irregular shapes and lack the Virgin pearls’ snow-white sheen. The perfection of the pearls served to mirror the Christian perfection of the Virgin Mary. Interestingly enough, they also mirror the impossibility of the Virgin’s standard. In order to be the perfect Christian woman one must be a virgin and yet a mother, fertile yet free from lust. As the ideal woman of Christianity, the Virgin’s impossible pearls mirror her impossible persona. Additionally, the Virgin Mary’s beauty promoted comparison with the beauty of a pearl. As depictions of the Virgin became younger, more beautiful, wealthier, and whiter as time went on, so did comparisons between her visage and pearls. The Virgin’s beauty became inexplicably connected with her goodness." (
  • Starfish. Oddly enough "In Christian symbolism the Starfish represents the Virgin Mary (Stella Maris which means Star of the Sea) who lovingly creates safe travel over troubled waters and is also seen as an emblem of salvation during trying times. The star as well as the Starfish are seen as celestial symbols and as such, they represent infinite divine love. In addition to love, the Starfish also holds characteristics such as guidance, vigilance, inspiration, brilliance and intuition" (
  • Water. "The symbolism of water has a universal undertone of purity and fertility. Symbolically, it is often viewed as the source of life itself as we see evidence in countless creation myths in which life emerges from primordial waters. Interestingly, we are all made of water, and so we can liken many of these myths and allegories to our own existence (the macrocosm mirroring the microcosm and vice versa). Further, we can incorporate symbolism of circulation, life, cohesion and birth by associating the creative waters of the earth with the fluids found in our own body (i.e., blood). In Taoist tradition, water is considered an aspect of wisdom. The concept here is that water takes on the form in which it is held and moves in the path of least resistance. Here the symbolic meaning of water speaks of a higher wisdom we may all aspire to mimic." (
All of this together makes me want to create this aquatic mermaidesque creature that seeks out pearls maybe wearing starfish and lillies. Maybe look into it being a shore dweller that looks in rock pools and shallow water for clams, Don't really want to venture into a deep sea diving being as I'm already aware that to deep sea dive a humanoid creature would have to have no hair and be streamlined to avoid creating drag, have massive lungs and specialized adaptations to avoid buoyancy and would have to be covered in blubber to stop freezing to death in cold water, and due to osmosis and salt water the skin would shrivel up and looked wrinkled. Not very innocent and Pure looking to say the least. (Source, Fact or Faked)

A Change of Heart and Sillouettes.

Having gone the past few days unable to really make my mind up on what I wanted to do, I kept veering away from the Gargoyle image and then was going towards deer, but I wanted to keep my association with water and purity, and started going towards a water based creature.

Although I really love the way the deer lady was going, the way the water creature came out just struck me, and naturally made me think of some weird kind of mermaid. In my research I came across this image

I love the way that the legs are seperate, the mermaid still looks humanoid despite being fishlike. I would like to incorperate this image into the way my character looks. When I first started thinking of the idea of mermaids I thought would they be a bit too promiscious for Chastity, but then after a little bit more research I found this quote

                   "Mermaids are the perfect symbol of purity and serenity, the union of sea creature and beautiful woman, alluring but unavailable. Amphitrite was the Queen of the Sea and the reluctant wife of Poseidon (also known as Neptune)."

It hit me, they kind of are a great symbol for purity, they are described as beautiful but elusive and unavailable to men, also with the whole bottom half fish body would make things awkward in the bedroom so to speak. Now I must just think of everything else that goes with this character.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Holy Priests in World of Warcraft

As an avid player of WoW I first thought of the Holy Priests as images for chastity, uses of whites and blues in the clothing and the wearing of cloth. I collected a few images to use in my research.

I like the colours of the Spirit Healer and the way the wings look, maybe my Gargoyle can have angelic looking wings, or even a cloak made from feathers to look more pure. As I would like to involve water as part of this creatures image maybe she can carry water around with her in a staff or something.

Al.chemy testing.

Decided to have a try on the Al.Chemy program. Having seen the work of Android Jones I felt inspired, it's a lot more difficult that it sounds. As it is totally random it's hard to decide the outcome, which is probably for the best. Here is what I came up with.

They all look rather bug-like and regal. The pink and blue one looks rather Star Wars Padme Amidalaesque and I quite like the way it turned out, I am yet to try all of the functions as I got carried away with the mirror and splotty ones.

Gargoyles and Water

I like the idea of using a Gargoyle to represent 'Chastity' visually they don't traditionally look pure, but I found a 'Grotesque' that looks like a sweet young maiden so surely I can create a creature that looks this way but still be 'gargoylesque'

As Gargoyles are used to keep water from destroying morter in buildings I looked into the symbolism of water.


Diving Deep into Water Meanings
I've been asked about the symbolism of water outside of the Christian/Biblical realm. Fascinating subject and I'm grateful for the question. My response is as follows:
The symbolism of water has a universal undertone of purity and fertility. Symbolically, it is often viewed as the source of life itself as we see evidence in countless creation myths in which life emerges from primordial waters.
Interestingly, we are all made of water, and so we can liken many of these myths and allegories to our own existence (the macrocosm mirroring the microcosm and vice versa). Further, we can incorporate symbolism of circulation, life, cohesion and birth by associating the creative waters of the earth with the fluids found in our own body (i.e., blood).
In Taoist tradition, water is considered an aspect of wisdom. The concept here is that water takes on the form in which it is held and moves in the path of least resistance. Here the symbolic meaning of water speaks of a higher wisdom we may all aspire to mimic.
The ever-observant ancient Greeks understood the power of transition water holds. From liquid, to solid, to vapor - water is the epitomal symbol for metamorphosis and philosophical recycling.
Among the first peoples of North America, water was considered a valuable commodity (particularly in the more arid plains and western regions) and the Native Americans considered water to be a symbol of life (further solidifying the symbol affixed in many creation myths).
So it is also with the ancient Egyptians as we learn their beloved (and heavily relied upon) Nile river is akin to the birth canal of their existence.
A quick list of symbolic meanings for water include (but are not limited to)...

Symbolic Water Meanings - The Highlights

  • Life
  • Motion
  • Renewal
  • Blessing
  • Intuition
  • Reflection
  • Subconscious
  • Fertilization
  • Purification
  • Transformation

I think I will have to do more experiments with this idea.

Seventh Sanctum

Even though I've made several pages of ideas and research I am still rather stumped about what my character is to look like and what kind of bipedal creature I want to make. I keep thinking of angelic women when I think of chastity, but I don't really want to create an actual human being, I want to venture into anthropomorphism and away from the standard human.

Then I heard of a site called 'Seventh Sanctum' a generator site for what seems to be everything! I will start here for ideas.


The intelligent, chaste male anthropomorphic Catfish.
The intelligent, peaceful, seasoned male anthropomorphic Opossum with a large fortune. His wardrobe is mysterious.
The educated, sheltered female anthropomorphic Hedgehog with no hope. Her wardrobe is dignified.
The tolerant, inexperienced female anthropomorphic Bluegil. She has a feminine build.
The spiritual, sheltered male anthropomorphic green-scaled Fish.
The educated, chaste, experienced male anthropomorphic blue-feathered Bird. His wardrobe is elaborate.


Hopefully these idea will help me narrow down the creature I will create, some of the ideas are rather random like a python with an hourglass figure and leggy .... oh well. I want to use a figure of mythicalism in my work, feeling like going towards a Gargoyle of something similar.

Friday 24 January 2014

Animal Symbolism.

I figured that the first thing I would do would be to find an animal that reflected my chosen virtue after all the human race does seem to have a thing for choosing animals to embody some parts of the human nature, such as dogs embodying all that is loyal and owls embodying knowledge.

I remember from a few slides in our last project that in Assassins Creed the Eagle was a symbol used to emphasize the characteristics of the Assassins such as the way they moved and they way they looked. I would like to bring this theme into my project this term. To have a character influenced by a creature to show their chaste ways in the way they dress, move and act.

I found a long list of animals and how druids embody them.


Animal Meanings
Animals can bring us subtle messages through dreams, visions, and odd encounters.  They can also symbolize certain aspects of ourselves or others. 

Alligator - Aggression, survival, adaptability, cunning, deceptive. stealth
Ant - Perseverance, self-discipline, teamwork, industriousness, orderliness, diligence
Antelope - Grace, beauty, flighty, attentive
Ape - Strength, mimicry, ability to learn, benevolence, protective.
Armadillo -Boundaries, self protection
Baboon - Power, vocal, messenger
Badger - Solitude, self awareness, self sufficient.
Bat - Guardian of the night, cleaner, obscurity, messenger, double nature, happiness, good luck, longevity, peace;
also - hypocrisy, melancholy, revenge, wisdom.
Bee - Immortality, rebirth, industry, order, purity, soul, chastity, messengers between worlds, secret wisdom, Mother and priestesses. Community.
Birds - The soul, transcendence, spirits of air, ascent, communication, freedom, sight.
Bear - Primal power, mother, cunning, healer, gentle strength, dreaming, sovereignty, intuition married with instinct. Nurturing, protective.
Bear Paw - Power, direction, connection to creator.
Beaver - Builder, gatherer. Accomplishing Goals
Blackbird - Enchantment, the Gateway, the inner call. Guide, illumination.
Boar - The warrior spirit, leadership, direction, lust, gluttony, fertility, prophecy, magic, protection, hospitality.
Buffalo - Sacredness, life builder. The buffalo provides all good things for living, and bestows great curingpowers.
Bull - Wealth, potency, beneficence, generative force, male procreative strength, kingship, taming of the masculine and animal nature. Destructive force.
Butterfly - Metamorphosis, carefree, transformer, immortality, rebirth, resurrection. Grace, light, soul.
Cat - Guardianship, detachment, sensuality, stealth, desire, liberty, pleasure, magic, lust, pride, vanity.
Caribou-Travel and Mobility
Cock - Solar, courage, vigilance, supremacy, passion, pride, the underworld.
Cougar - Leadership, courage, power, swiftness and balance.
Cow - Nourishment, motherhood, power of Earth, plenty, procreation, gentleness, nurturing.
Coyote - Prankster, insight, playful. The coyote symbolizes duality and the ability to present both sides of an issue. Clowning and humor, perhaps sarcastic.
Crane - Solitude, independence, messenger, communion, higher state of consciousness, wisdom,
Cricket-Singing, Spring, Fertility
Crocodile - Devourer, liberation, guardian, dual nature, conscious and unconscious, fertility, brutality, viciousness, deceit, treachery.
Crow - Messenger, death, wisdom, communication, the underworld.
Deer - Love, gentleness, kindness, gracefulness, sensitivity, purity of purpose, walking in the light, swift, nimble, meek, gentle, meditation, love, longevity, wealth.
Dog - Guidance, protection, loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, watchfulness, the Hunt, compassion, loyal, steadfast, persistent in adversity. Sensitive to feelings.
Dolphin - Kindness, play, savior, guide, sea power, swift, intelligence, communication, breath control, awareness of tone, joy, harmony, connection with self
Donkey - Humility, patience, peace, stupidity, stubbornness, lewdness.
Dove-Love, Gentleness and Kindness
Dragon - Power of Earth, combining bird and serpent as matter and spirit, breath of life, supernatural power, magic, strength, wisdom, knowledge, guardian.  
DRAGON: benign, embodies wisdom, strength and goodness. Protector of the weak.
Dragonfly - Flighty, carefree, swift, activity, shamanistic, supernatural powers. Skill, Refinement, Relentlessness Flighty, carefree. Dragonflies symbolize whirlwind, swiftness and activity. The dragonfly is an important insect in Zuni legend, where they are shamanistic creatures with supernatural powers.In Hopi rock art, the dragonfly is symbolized by a vertical line with two or sometimes one, horizontalcross line.
Eagle - Divine spirit, air, the sun, power in battle, protection from evil, clear vision, success, prosperity, wealth, intelligence, renewal, courage. Potency, Healing, Power, Illumination Divine spirit, chief of all the creatures in the air, the primary servant of the sun. Powerful in battle,
the eagle protects the people from evil. Eagle medicine attributes include clear vision and soaring spirit. The eagle is associated with success, prosperity and wealth. In the Zuni Tradition, the Eagle symbolizes the direction Up.
Elephant - Strength, fidelity, memory, patience, wisdom, intelligence, power.
Elk - Strength, agility, freedom, power, nobility. Pride, Power, Majesty
Feather - Spirit
Firefly - Communication, Illumination
Fish-Water, Current, Flow of Life From the Earth
Fox - Cunning, provider, intelligence, feminine magic, diplomacy, wildness. Cleverness, Subtlety, Discretion
Frog - Power of water, sensitivity, medicine, hidden beauty, power. Cleansing, Peace, Emotional Healing
Goat - Vitality, fertility, creativity, virility, abundance, lust. Tenacity, Diligence
Goose - Guardian, watchful, wind, the sun, war, inspiration, swift, happiness, providence. Safe return, Love of home
Grizzly Bear - Mother, nature's pharmacist
Hare - rebirth, rejuvenation, resurrection, intuition, balance, fertility, fire, madness, transformation.
Hawk - Nobility, recollection, cleansing, messenger, observer, Solar, clarity, discrimination, inspiration, the soul. Awareness, Truth
Hedgehog - Self-preservation
Heron - Vigilance, quiet, power of water, the underworld, tact, delicacy, renewal, life, transformation.
Horse - Stamina, mobility, strength and power, coping under difficult circumstances, love, devotion, loyalty, the land, travel. Life and death symbol, intellect, wisdom, power, nobility, energy, freedom, wildness, divination, prophecy, fertility. Freedom, Power, Save movement  
HORSE: strong and powerful, usually vain if a woman, warlike and chivalrous.
Hummingbird - Messenger, stopper of time, optimism, sweetness. Beauty, Wonder, Agility
Jackal - Guide of souls, associated with cemeteries.
Jaguar - Messenger, forest spirits, power.
Kingfisher - Beauty, dignity, speed, calmness, serenity.
Kokepeli - Joy, Fertility
Ladybug - Delight, Trust
Leopard - Ferocity, aggression, intrepid, Great Watcher, courage, activity, speed.
Lion - Solar, splendor, power, majesty, strength, courage, nobility.
Lizard - Conservation, agility, promotes dreaming. Letting go, Illusiveness
Loon - Communication, Serenity
Lynx-Keeper of Mystical Secrets
MONKEYS: quick and keen of wit, highly observant, curious, loving, a good parent, and excellent in small enterprises.
Moose - Headstrong, unstoppable, longevity, value, integrity. Unpredictability, Spontaneity
Mountain Lion-Wisdom and Balance in Leadership
Mouse - Illusion, Charm
Octopus - The spiral, water, unconscious.
Opossum -Strategy and Diversion
Otter - Laughter, curiosity, mischievous, feminine power, grace, empathy, joy, play, helpfulness. Joy, Laughter, Lightness
Owl - Wisdom, truth, patience, darkness, a death messenger, divination, solitude, detachment, wisdom, change, totem of clairvoyants and mystics. Wisdom, Vision, Insight
OX: strong, steadfast and dependable, but not necessarily stupid; faithful to the end, slow to anger, but can be very forceful.
Parrot Feather-Bringer of Essential Rain and Seed
Peacock - Recognition, Self-Assurance
Pelican - Abundance, Plenty
Pheasant - Warning, Concealment
PIG: highly intelligent, scholarly, easily angered, easily swayed and affected by emotions.
Porcupine - Innocence, Humility
Python - Darkness, feminine, power of Earth, wisdom.
Quail - Protectiveness, Group harmony
Rabbit - Alertness, nurturing. Conquering fear, Safety  
RABBIT: modest, fast mover, has delicate senses, and is a good listener.
Ram - Sacrifice, breakthrough, achievement, virility, creativity, the Sun, solar power. Strength, Determination
RAT: intelligent, enterprising, has devotion to purpose, but can be devious and scheming at times.
Raven - Trickster, teacher, hoarder, healing, initiation, protection, shaman's power, transformation, change in consciousness, mark of a shape shifter. Mystery, Exploration of the unknown
Roadrunner - Speed, Agility
ROOSTER: quick to fight, single-purposed and persistent.
Salmon - Instinct, persistence, determination, wisdom, inspiration, rejuvenation. Determination, Persistence
Sandpiper - Quickness, Foraging, Scavenging
Scorpion - Defense, Self-protection
Seagull - Carefree attitude, Versatility, Freedom
Seahorse - Confidence, grace. Nourishing, Fathering
Seal - Contentment
Serpent - Life, rebirth, resurrection, wisdom, passion, healing, poison, preserver, destroyer, malice, fertility.
Shark - Hunter, survival, adaptability.
SHEEP: proud, domineering, strive to help and guard their fellows, and are sometimes excellent doctors.
Skunk - Perseverance, Determination Reputation, Respect, Caution
Snake - Shrewdness, transformation, life, death and rebirth, rain, fertility. Power, Life force, Sexual potency  
SNAKE: observant, quick to anger, usually possesses great physical beauty and is not necessarily venomous except when protecting the family.
Spider - Creative, pattern of life, connects the past with the future, creating possibilities. The Web of life, Interconnectedness, Industry
Squirrel - Trust, Thrift
Stag - Pride, independence, purification.
Swan - Grace, balance, innocence, faithfulness, solitude, retreat, poetry, sincerity. Elegance, Nurturing
Tadpole-Fertility and Renewal, Transformation
Tiger - Creator, destroyer, strength, ferocity, power, anger, power of Earth.  
TIGER: loyal, courageous, energetic, strong, cunning. The tigress tends to be shrewish.
Turkey-Give Away, Sacrifice of Self and Others
Turtle - Self contained, creative source, Earth, informed decisions, planning, adaptability. Love & Protection, Healing, Knowledge
Unicorn - Chastity, purity, dreams, virtue, strength, integrity, magic, healing, freedom.
Weasel-Stealth, Information Gathering
Whale - Power of Water, regeneration, death, rebirth. Creativity, Intuition
Wolf - Loyalty, success, perseverance, stability, thought, pathfinder, teacher, intuition, learning, the shadow. Teaching skill, Loyalty, Interdependence
Wolf Print - Tracking, movement.
Woodpecker - Prophecy, magic, power, guardian of trees, Heralds rain and storms. Change, Persistence
Wren - Spirit, witchcraft, the Oak King.


I would like to avoid the unicorn because to me it's a bit cliche, but I won't rule it out. I also want to avoid using the animals that have many different meanings as I have to imagine putting this idea to someone who doesn't know the project, I want them to instantly imagine that this character is representing chastity. I'm now thinking about what sort of timeline and timeplace for my character to live. Also as the character is representing chastity I'm thinking that they would be mostly religious in appearance and lifestyle.

New Year, new Project!

Well it feels like it's been a long time since I done a blog post, starting off the new year with an awesome sounding new project. To create a 3D bipedal being with the personification of one of the Seven Virtues.


Dictionary refrence for the terms

[per-son-uh-fi-key-shuh n] Show IPA
the attribution of human nature or character to animals,inanimate objects, or abstract notions, especially as a rhetoricalfigure.
the representation of a thing or abstraction in the form of aperson, as in art.
the person or thing embodying a quality or the like; anembodiment or incarnation: He is the personification of tact.
an imaginary person or creature conceived or figured to representa thing or abstraction.
the act of attributing human qualities to an animal, object, orabstraction; the act of personifying: The author's personification ofthe fa
rm animals made for an enchanting children's book.
[em-bod-ee] Show IPA
verb (used with object), em·bod·ied, em·bod·y·ing.
to give a concrete form to; express, personify, or exemplify inconcrete form: to embody an idea in an allegorical painting.
to provide with a body; incarnate; make corporeal: to embody aspirit.
to collect into or include in a body; organize; incorporate.
to embrace or comprise.


Seven Virtues
Virtue Latin Gloss (Vice) (Latin)
1. Chastity Castitas Purity, knowledge, honesty,wisdom Lust Luxuria
2. Temperance Temperantia Self control,justice,honour,abstention Gluttony Gula
3. Charity Caritas Will,benevolence,generosity,sacrifice Greed Avaritia
4. Diligence Industria Persistence,effort, ethics,rectitude Sloth Acedia
5. Patience Patientia Peace,mercy,ahimsa,sufferance Wrath Ira
6. Kindness Humanitas Satisfaction,loyalty,compassion,integrity Envy Invidia
7. Humility Humilitas Bravery,modesty,reverence,altruism Pride Superbia

Your concept design must portray one of the (above) seven virtues as a character. Beyond the chosen virtue, the character can exist in any time, space and artistic style. Consider the context and environment in which they exist - how does that impact on their
physiognomy, appearance, faculty, philosophy, belief and resolve? Are they humanoid, quadruped, mammal, fish, invertebrate orother?
How can you best use form, colour, clothing or other paraphernalia to visualise and personify and communicate the virtue as acharacter?
The character must convey the chosen virtue above all other considerations.


I am being drawn towards 'Chastity' for my virtue, as I can think of a few ways to really convey this choice more than the others

The meaning of chastity is "Abstaining from sexual conduct according to one's state in life; the practice of courtly love and romantic friendship. Cleanliness through cultivated good health and hygiene, and maintained by refraining from intoxicants. To be honest with oneself, one's family, one's friends, and to all of humanity. Embracing of moral wholesomeness and achieving purity of thought-through education and betterment. The ability to refrain from being distracted and influenced by hostility, temptation or corruption."


I am so psyched for this project. It gives my brain pretty much free reign to create something almost without constraint! First I will start with some silhouettes and see what scribbles can inspire me! From the results of my last project I can see I need to put more effort into researching and first hand information and such. This time I will put more into the research. Roll on this project!