Saturday 25 January 2014

Seventh Sanctum

Even though I've made several pages of ideas and research I am still rather stumped about what my character is to look like and what kind of bipedal creature I want to make. I keep thinking of angelic women when I think of chastity, but I don't really want to create an actual human being, I want to venture into anthropomorphism and away from the standard human.

Then I heard of a site called 'Seventh Sanctum' a generator site for what seems to be everything! I will start here for ideas.


The intelligent, chaste male anthropomorphic Catfish.
The intelligent, peaceful, seasoned male anthropomorphic Opossum with a large fortune. His wardrobe is mysterious.
The educated, sheltered female anthropomorphic Hedgehog with no hope. Her wardrobe is dignified.
The tolerant, inexperienced female anthropomorphic Bluegil. She has a feminine build.
The spiritual, sheltered male anthropomorphic green-scaled Fish.
The educated, chaste, experienced male anthropomorphic blue-feathered Bird. His wardrobe is elaborate.


Hopefully these idea will help me narrow down the creature I will create, some of the ideas are rather random like a python with an hourglass figure and leggy .... oh well. I want to use a figure of mythicalism in my work, feeling like going towards a Gargoyle of something similar.

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