Monday 11 November 2013

Value Study Pieces.

Another few days, another new blog post, getting better at motivating myself into writing these, old 'before uni' Hazel would be too scared to write them. Anyway I finally get myself round to posting up my value studies. I kind of struggled with understanding value even though it is a really simple concept, with the first piece it was the first time I'd worked purely with greyscales and b/w so excuse the poorness even though it did end up looking pretty interesting!

The next piece I used a larger brush to create a better shaded effect, although the first piece looked quite nice the second piece looked much better and more what was asked for. I loved the shaded effect on the wig as it makes it look fluffier and obviously a different fabric effect than the clothing.

The third and final value study I did incorporated all the ideas that I wanted into it. This (and the second value) will be the study I will chose to use as the final character design with colour variations, facial studies, model and character sheets. I really liked the way it turned out with the shading and the whole look of the character, she looks overtly male in these clothing. I chose not to keep the crutch as I was having a lot of problems with it. Having seen a few pirate outfits with no crutches I thought I would give it a shot thinking she could have had practise walking on the peg-leg.

I will now move on to posting the colour variations.

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