Thursday 21 May 2015

Final Thoughts of this Project.

Tomorrow is hand in day, the last on year two, its scary how fast time goes!

Overall I feel this project was good, I learnt a lot about what I want to do and what I want to progress onto in Year 3. I feel that my skills in Maya are getting a little better although I still have a lot to learn. my desire for character design is still a little behind that.

There are a few things I didn't get to do in the time I had thanks to other parts of my life getting in the way and I feel that if I didn't have those distractions going on along side my project I could have done what I wanted to do.

I really wanted to get my level in Unity, I feel that is something I want to take into Year 3, not really the coding side of it, but getting the blank level/prototype ready for coding, so I would say World Building is what I want to do.

I want to get better at UVing and texturing and this is something that I will explore further alongside the level design. I have improved a lot since BA3 when I didn't even realise that I could get more than one UV in the editor ... so I had like 100 textures! For shame!

All I can say is bring on Year 3!

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