Wednesday 7 January 2015

Researching Art Tests

Just a post where I plop research into art tests, listing some faqs and such .... just a random lot of research.

I’ve been asked to do an art test, and I’m afraid that I’m giving this company a free model or texture they can use in their game. That’s always a possibility. But most likely the test they give you will require more work than what they are doing now. I suggest that you put the finished work on your website, as this would make for a great portfolio piece. It’s not worth fighting the company or accusing them of such things. Art tests are meant to be challenging, and in some cases, can be a lot of fun. Just make sure you show the proper amount of respect and they will show you the same. If you’re lucky and the company isn’t busy they will offer feedback on your test so that you can improve you skills. Better yet, they hire you! This brings up another question: why do an art test? Basically it shows the art team what you’re capable of in a specific amount of time. In most cases you will be asked to keep track of the time spent on the test and provide that information when you’re done. The art test also shows your range of abilities. If you are applying for a position that is greater than your current level of experience then an art test is usually warranted. It’s nothing personal against you, but if you only have 1 year of experience and one title shipped and the requirements for the job say 6 plus years with 3 titles shipped, they want to see if you have the amount of skill needed. - website listing various art tests.

Useful tips from -

ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #1: NEVER be afraid to ask questions. It’s expected! However, a) DON’T ask just to seem clever, and b) DO try to ask them all at once.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #2: Follow directions precisely. You’d be astonished how often this DOESN’T happen, and it’s completely avoidable.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #3: We give directions, but also read between the lines at what isn’t said to add extra polish.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #4: Be tidy. It’s as technical as it is artistic. Tidy outliner, clean object and filenaming, organized layer groups in the PSD, etc.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #5: Be on time. If you’re going to be late, acknowledge it the *INSTANT* you know you will be late, and politely propose a new date.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #6: Log your time and be honest about it.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #7: Overdeliver, within reason. “Is there a way to jazz this up a little within my creative, time, and tech constraints?”
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #8: Unless they say otherwise, assume the art assets are meant for a realtime game. Construct the assets accordingly.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #9: When submitting, always send a separate confirmation email. FTP uploads don’t notify, and large email attachments sometimes bounce.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #10: Think hard about how you distribute detail with polygons and texture. This says a lot about how you think.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #11: Make sure the zipped art test contains ONLY the files needed, not dozens of extra directories or files (.mayaswatches, I’m looking at you).
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #12: If you’re asked to provide diffuse, normal, and spec maps… don’t randomly just not use them and not explain why.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #13: Don’t include files with random names like “SomethingWhatever.tga” or “DammitPleaseWork.jpg” or “”
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #14: DON’T PUT ART TESTS IN YOUR PORTFOLIO! a) It means you failed the test, and b) I’ve already seen 50 other people do that one, and probably better.
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #15: Ask your friends to look over your work. Be willing to accept criticism. Don’t make people wonder “did he even look at the reference?”
ARTISTS! Art Test Tip #16: Don’t let your own self-doubt keep you from finishing or submitting. It’s their job to evaluate you, not yours. Stay strong.

Lots of stuff to keep me going here :3


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