Wednesday 19 November 2014

Taxidermy Girl 0.2 up for testing. Core Game Loop explanation

Round one was very fruitful, here is 0.2, please play and fill in the survey, it would be much appreciated. Made a few changes to the layout, added new items and some colour to certain objects.

There was a little confusion about my Core Loop for the game raised in the survey for 0.1, the core of my game is 'Exploration, Creation and Fighting'. This level is supposed to represent the general activity that would be done in this part of the City. The character 'Florence' has to buy items to start to create taxidermy, such as Formaldehyde, straw stuffing material, string for sewing, general items used in the art of taxidermy. This level features around collecting the Formaldehyde and bringing it back to your studio and dropping it off. If I had more time and better unity skills I would have an inventory, once the item is collected 'currency' disappears from your inventory, just to get across the buying idea of the game.

Also the size of the buildings was raised as another issue. The idea for the size of the buildings was that this wasn't going to be a quaint village or town, this was supposed to be a big City in the throws of Industrial change so the idea was to make the area as large and a little bit daunting as much as possible. I have added a few smaller buildings to make it feel a bit more 'higglety pigglety' as it was described, To me this would probably add a little more to the image of the game, smaller buildings getting swamped by bigger buildings as the City gets more industrial and less Towny.

and here is the survey

  • One thing I caught myself playing on a smaller screen, font dissapears on the sides ... the font blends in with the floor, will have to change the size, boldness and colour.
  • It has been requested to input some form of UI/HUD so will try to work on this, I have to admit it would be nice to have this somewhere if I get time I will put this in.
  • Even though I put up fencing people can still jump over and the game doesn't re-spawn you, will need to get some rep-spawning code or something.

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