Monday 13 October 2014

Ideas for my game design. (Taxidermy Girl)

For my game design which I will lovingly title 'TDG' for now I will be using an idea which has been floating around in my head just before I started uni at NUA last year, the character I called Florence the taxidermy girl, she was still basically undesigned but for a few images and ideas, which makes her perfect for this project .... it saves me having to think up a basic idea and also bring to life something I've been wanting to use for awhile, I asked my tutor if I could use her and he said I could

Image taken from my own deviant art account, hence the watermark (

Just so I don't end up just using what I have I am going to disregard most of the ideas I had about her after I note down the information I have as I am eventually going to theoretically funnel all of the ideas down until I have a polished idea for my game prototype, this includes her current outfit which is not in keeping with the times I want to research.

I will note down all the information I had created about Florence so I can take that to a crit session and see where else I can take her.

  • Name: Florence Tanner
  • Age: 20
  • Profession: Taxidermist
  • D.O.B: (thinking about the Victorian era)
  • Info: Born in a small village to a Taxidermist father and baker mother who sadly died of the pox when Florence was younger, this young lady who lives essentially in solitude carrying on her fathers tradition of taxidermy in a world where God is just starting to be challenged by Science. wanting to see more of the world from her cottage 'prison' Florence discovers a dark secret, she can bring back her taxidermy from the grave with an odd mix of potions, with her new found animal friends she feels brave enough to explore the world around her and collect all sorts of creatures to put on display and befriend. however people around her want to use this concoction for evil deeds. Can she grow fast enough to stop madness?

I have a basic idea of what I want the villain to be called, I looked up names that people thought were deceitful and Oswald was one of them, I like this name!

I want my idea to be full of meanings, so for names I chose them because of what people are as was common in the time period I am looking for
  • The meaning of Tanner is "Tanner".
  • Its origin is "English". 
  • Another meaning of Tanner is "Forest, pine".
  • Its origin is "German". 
  • Another meaning of Tanner is "Open field".
  • Its origin is "Finnish". 
As my girl is a taxidermist Tanner is quite appropriate, also the other meaning of open field is relevant for her eventual exploration of the world.

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