Wednesday 30 October 2013

Soldier 'pirate lady' outfit ideas.

As my Pirate Soldier is a woman who is in disguise as a man, I initially wanted to stay away from fancy, feminine clothes, I do like the look of some of the fancy dresses but I don't think they would be very appropriate for a girl trying to make it as a tough man. I like the sleeves on the dress posted below, I think I could have them poking out from underneath a coat like the one also posted below.

I want my girl to have a massive hat, Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean style, but without looking too over the top, I like the way this one looks so I think I will use this in the final designs. I'm not sure if I will be using feathers in the design as she is wearing quite over-sized clothes and I don't want her to end up looking too big with feathers poking out everywhere.

As my girl has a peg-leg I started looking at how it would attach to the leg, I want quite an ornate leg, but with quite a rough feel, it was suggested in a group critique that I somehow use driftwood in my designs, so I thought hey why can't the leg be made of driftwood. So I will be experiment with that idea.

With having only one foot I thought my girl would go all out with the footwear, I really like the way that these shoes look, so I'm thinking I will make the buckle quite fancy and the fabric of the shoe quite fancy too. I'm not sure if I'll turn these into the traditional pirate boots with the elf turn downs or make them look like this, I'll just have to see how the values turn out.

I will probably use pieces from all the pictures I've posted here in my final design, as I'm looking through the pictures I think they all work well together, the colours on the dress in the top pictures interest me a lot, they look quite muted and bleached out by sunlight which would happen with colours on a boat, with constant exposure to sunlight and sea-salt. I don't want her to be very colourful and standoutish.

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